1. Putting a Lot of links per page May penalize you
Some individuals are told that a specific quantity of links on a web page could be bad for your positions. By way of instance, putting over a hundred links on your landing page will probably be awful for Google and you'll get penalized in some manner. Although it's correct that spamming links on a web page is something that you shouldn't do, and also the Google bot has a way to detect when a web page is a link lure one, you ought not to be scared to create web pages with plenty of links. Provided that they're applicable and part of their standard navigation of your website, then there'll be no penalty. The worse that could happen in such instances is that Google may opt to discount links part per hundred, but that's all.
2. Internal links do not matter for SEO company NY
Lots of individuals think of linking just so far as backlinks move, and just concentrate on getting other sites link to their pages. But internal linking can also be significant, like your website layout is vital since the search crawlers attempt to behave as much as a standard website viewer as they can. If your website has bad internal navigation, Google is going to have the ability to detect that, and this has the potential to penalize you. Just take the time required to create good internal links and a simple to use navigation system for your website. This is something which isn't hard to do and you ought not to skip this step.
3. Facebook likes or tweets are the number one factor in affordable SEO company
Social media has taken a central role in how folks find information online today, and the signals sent to these websites are fed into search engines in real time. No modern business should ignore social media, only due to the quantity of time that people spend on Facebook or Twitter. However, no one social site is the holy grail of affordable SEO services for small business. Even if getting Facebook likes can be important, it is not any more so than the number of different methods which may be used. Additionally, there are arguments that point to the fact that while lots of men and women spend a whole lot of time on social networking websites, they do so to speak to friends, not to purchase products, so the advantage of a like is still not as understood as the advantage of ranking well on Google. You ought not to ignore the traditional SEO New York company and focus solely on social networking.
4. Keywords are no longer relevant
Sites used to be created with a paragraph at the bottom filled with keywords so as to draw more traffic using something called keyword stuffing. In the last several decades, knowledgeable marketers have realized that this is no longer needed, actually, it's a practice that's heavily discouraged by search engines. But this doesn't signify that keywords aren't still very important. As you should not do keyword stuffing on a page, getting a great proportion of your keywords in your real text is still crucial. Whenever someone looks for a particular term on Google best local SEO company, the quantity of time this keyword comes up on your page is still heavily weighed in.
5. Using bigger headers will improve your ranking
Header tags like H1 or H2 do matter because search engines look at the layout of your website, which means you want to have headers which make sense and that contain your keywords so the search engine knows what the content is all about. On the other hand, the size or style of these headers, such as which local SEO NYC arguments you use, do not matter since Google and other search engines are interested in the content and usability, not the artistic style.